25,000 brown paper bags on a continuous surface that arches from floor to ceiling

I’m liking this wall covering, a lot! A great use of found materials. Lots of visual interest. I’m certain it adds a create deal of sound absorption. Anyone who’s shopped in SoHo knows that the shops can seem like concrete tunnels. The brick and other hard surfaces make them very cold and echo like mad.

Give a read to this article and let me know your thoughts.


In response to the rich history of the space and through the juxtaposition of industrial elements with the handmade, Barbour sought to create a place that is both familiar and timeless. OWEN features Barbour’s latest concept of 25,000 brown paper bags on a continuous surface that arches from floor to ceiling. The repetition of the paper bags results in a honeycomb-like structure that defines a warm, organic volume that sits within the existing industrial brick and concrete space. Additionally, all clothing, accessories, and jewelry are displayed on quartz slab tables, blackened steel hang-bars and steel and glass vitrines whose linearity and crisp details sit in contrast to the delicate texture of the paper arch beyond.

 Read full article and see more images here!